Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I realized that there are millions of blogs that relates to my topic: Education. Searching for all these broad topics I found an interesting blog about Korean education: Sorry, I was drunk by Fermentation. He was blogging since November 2009 and stopped blogging from December 14th.

My first impression about this guy was anger, but I ended up nodding my head several times, agreeing with his comments while reading his blogs. He was also very obsessed with his own opinion, trying to put down real facts and other peoples’ opinion, and putting his thoughts on top. It is an interesting way of expressing his thoughts (it does not mean that I like his thoughts) as complaining almost negatively about Korean issues such as christianity, surgery, and education. His point of view stands on critiquing on issues and targets only on his negative thoughts. He is a Korean and writes everything from Korean games, movies, education, politics, sports, social issues and more, but mostly complaining about them. The most interesting thing is that even though his thoughts are negatively expressed, I mostly share the same thoughts and opinions with him.

Since I am writing about educational problems in different ethnical groups and comparing them why all these educational problems affects their entire economy, his thoughts and opinions are giving me a general sense of why people are not really “learning.”

       “The issue of education in Korea is one of the biggest problems in the country, if  not the biggest. In fact, I personally think it shouldn't even be called "education." Education to me means that one is gaining knowledge, learning how to critically analyze information, and knowing how to apply it in real social and professional situations. Or at the very least, it should help one grow as a person. The Korean school system does none of that.”

He gives his definition of education clearly, and I personally agree with him. He is right, and Korean education system must be reformed. Memorizing facts are good; however, these facts must be integrated into creativity and critical thinking in order for students to actually use and contribute it into the real world. Just Memorizing is not even an education.

I can see that his vocabulary usage and expression is very professional and academic. I was very impressed because despite the fact that he only attended some middle and high school in US, his writing skills are highly matured. He targets on readers who are interested in complaining and throwing negative arguments about many issues that Korea in general such as education, political behaviors, and social issues.

His arguments are very strong even though it is not necessarily true; therefore, people tend to follow his lead in making negative arguments and agreeing with him. But I will not be like that. I mostly share similar opinions with Fermentation, but I have other thoughts that contradict with him. For example, he talks about discipline where teachers were physically harming students to study:
“In Korea, an adult's idea of disciplining a child is to beat him/her like sociopathic child abuser.” But this fact was a long-time story. Nowadays, they are not allowed to do that. The behaviors of teachers are becoming more and more soft and easy with students and they try to follow the non-harsh discipline.

Since I am writing about negative concept, I would definitely follow Fermentation’s opinion and share my thoughts with him. However, this doesn’t mean that I will be always negative about my blog, I will try to throw some solutions about problems in education, and how people (teachers or educators) can solve this problem effectively and at the same time efficiently.

By: Fusion


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I am a Korean, but grown up in Guatemala; therefore, I have seen important and sometimes harsh educational issues on various ethnical groups. I think it is very important for everyone to learn and think more about how different learning methods and problems affects society and economy as a whole.



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